
Save energy

Help your customers to getting a lower electricity bill

The first step to a lower energy bill is to save energy. You can make sure your customers will save energy by offering them insulation and double glass.



Insulation: Insulation will make the house of your customers more comfortable to be in. It will make the house cooler in summer, and warmer in winter. It’s easy to earn back the investment. Insulating a house, leads to saving 25% of your customers energy bill.


You can offer your customers four different types of insulation:

Floor: When the floor is being insulated, we will put a special type of foam on the bottom of the floor. The insulation is being placed through the crawlspace of the house and it usually takes about a day to finish. After placing the foam, the cold from the crawlspace won’t be able to reach the living room of the house.

Roof: With the right roof insulation, your customers will be able to save a lot of money on their energy bill. 25% of the warmth in a house is lost because of a roof not having insulation. This is why insulation is a great solution for this problem.


Cavity wall: Your customers can earn back cavity wall insulation within 3 to 5 years. With this type of insulation, the empty space in the wall is being filled with insulation material. You can choose between three types of materials: wool, pearls or foam. Every product has its own unique qualities and benefits.


Double glass

With double glass, your customer will be able to keep the cold outside and the warmth inside. Double glass is also called insulation glass, and contains two glass plates that are connected with each other. Because your customer needs to use less heat in the house, the costs on their monthly bills will be a lot lower.


Would you like to know more about the type of material that is being used for the insulation of houses or about double glass? Fill in our contact form.



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